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Closing Another School Year

As this last term of my Junior year at the U of O is closing I can’t help but feel a little pang of confusion. So many people are graduating and moving on, and if they’re not? They at least have some idea of what they might be doing when they put their big kid pants on and enter the real world. But me, I have no idea. Not one clue. I’m a biology major, that’s a start, but so what? Am I supposed to strangle myself with an IV tube by struggling my way through med school? Who knows. I could do it though. But gosh, how do people actually feel confident enough to say, “Yes, I want to do this with my life forever.” Such a heavy, serious claim to make. But some people, even at my age of 20 years old, know exactly what they want to be when they grow up. I may not have the confidence to claim what my dream career is, but I guess it will just pop into my head one day, right?  And I absolutely know there are plenty of other people out there in the same place as me, older and younger alike. For the first time ever however, I have let go a little bit and relaxed. I’ve made the recent decision to just chill out for once about my future and enjoy the ride that gets me there.

Fireball Whiskey And Basements

My best friend and I had a heart-to-heart last night that may have changed my life a little. At first we caught up on talk about boys, recent squabbles with other people, work and school. We had been too busy to keep up with each others lives! We were also slowly getting drunk so the conversation took many twists and turns filled with giggles, tears and talk about faith. Her and I have never felt so close over a conversation before as we did last night. Sure Fireball whisky was fueling our emotions, but there was so much genuity about it that I have to say we probably would have cried anyways. She was telling me that she hoped I would learn to let myself go so God could steer me in whichever direction and on whatever adventures he had planned for me, and I looked at her and said I already had. A pretty heavy conversation for drunk bathroom talk. My friend Chelsea pushed on the whisky, barging into the bathroom sporadically, it was her 21st birthday, filling our glasses. Can’t blame her when we were shutting ourselves up in a bathroom, talking about life on a perfectly good night out. Erica, who had work in the morning, was turning down more whisky so she could drive home later. I looked up at her and said, “Erica, I want to go on an adventure with you tonight.” She looked at me, remembering our conversation, then took the bottle and surrendered herself to our adventure.

I am not someone all too comfortable talking about God with people. I just know that there are so many different opinions out there about religion that I really don’t like getting into it if I can. So much so that I had never really talked about it with my best friend. I may not believe in structured religion, but I do believe in the bible. It’s a beautiful book filled with inspiration and hope, and no feeling is stronger than hope. I’m so glad I had that talk with her. Even if it took place in a bathroom, in a kitchen and in a basement at the Prom Party. Our night was amazing.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know…

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.


I'm Sorry But I Have To Say Something About Bacon.

It’s one in the morning right now(I failed epically at my night coming in early) and all I have to say is, where the eff is all the bacon? The one thing I wanted on my quesadilla was bacon, not the sun dried tomatoes I had to settle for.

Bacon is so good I want to cry. Not really, but I don’t understand why it is so bad for us…I mean what the hell who doesn’t love bacon? (Aside from vegetarians).

It’s a beautiful thing.

If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life and not get fat? I would choose bacon.

This is subject to change since one in the morning on a Saturday night may or may not give way to altered judgment..

Either way. Bacon is the star food of the weekend and I vote grocery store trip tomorrow to buy some more!


enjoy your munchies.


Be Real

Something I seem to come across a lot in my life is this notion that if you post bible quotes on facebook, tell people you pray all the time and say you love God you are a good person regardless of what you do on your free time. This is not saying that people should stop posting bible quotes…No please continue they are very inspirational. And no I’m not saying go lock yourself in your room with a bible every weekend because you’re a church-goer and you need to avoid all quantities of sin. In fact I’m not exactly trying to touch on religion at all. I am only pointing out an extreme case of people failing to be real. Choose who you want to be; pick a path you want to tread. Don’t just go out and be a hypocrite all day…It’s silly, fake and sad. And if you attend church regularly I am not suggesting you are a bad person…you’re most likely not. Big, warm heart and all. For those of you who do, do this however stop lying to yourself, young soul…you can be better than that.

This funny little meme says it all.
Just be true to yourself. We all struggle with this everyday, I know I do. But being fake? There’s just no time for that in our short lives.

A Fight For Justice

I met a young man named Andrew Brown too recently who had a dream where human trafficking could be fought and girls salvaged. The Coalition for Justice is one of those immense changes in the world that many of us only dream about. Andrew is actually making the change. They fight to help victims of human trafficking by raising money and awareness in their honor through fashion and art. It started small and is growing strong like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings but instead of reaping chaos, it brings beauty, safety and hope. It is the “Butterfly Effect” sent by God. My beautiful best friend Erica has just joined Andrew in this fight as the head of the girls line and is making a difference right now. I am so proud of her and so proud of those involved in any way. If you know anything about the ugliness of human trafficking you know that this is a beautiful act of grace. Join the cause and follow their blog. I hope you find it both beautiful and inspiring.

Click on the image above and you will be directed to their blog.


A Crazy Constant In My Life

Eric Daniel Stewart. So much to say…but I won’t say too much.

He is a sweet, crazy, funny, annoying, artistic, clever, intelligent, sometimes an ass, caring, loving kind of guy that I am so grateful to have intruding in my personal space.

I am not a relationship kind of gal but somehow three years have gone by and I am STILL with this boy. That says somethin about him I guess.

Our story is pretty funny but way too long and confusing to write here, but I can tell you that I was the biggest pain in the ass in the beginning. And I continue to be today. Not saying he is an angel or anything, because to that he gets a big “hell no”. But…(from my side of the story) if he has the patience to deal with me…kudos. I’m hard to keep up with.

No matter what happens between us there is no way I will look back and think I wasted my time with him. It’s fun. It’s silly. It’s us.

Love you F.C.B :)

you da best.

Beginning My Blogging Adventure


For introductions I do not even KNOW where to begin. I am a student working very hard at my Biology degree leading me to God knows where, at the same time balancing life with friends and my sweet boyfriend Eric. I am so blessed to be where I am and I hope maybe this blog will lead me down the path I was meant to trod by allowing me to write down all of the things that inspire me to. Who knows, maybe this blog will become a honing device for my future career. My one true wish is to truly help and enlighten people one day. It is inspiring to know that even the slightest act of kindness can make a difference in a person’s life. Even in nature, something as gentle as the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane thousands of miles away… Chaos Theory maybe, but taking that and mixing in good thoughts can change the world in ways you could never imagine. At this point I have not the faintest clue as to what lies ahead but this much is for sure: I am riding the wave that will lead me there.

I hope maybe to inspire others as well,

thank you for following :)